
Audio data sets.


class audtorch.datasets.AudioSet(root, csv_file='balanced_train_segments.csv', sampling_rate=16000, include=None, exclude=None, transform=None, target_transform=None)

A large-scale dataset of manually annotated audio events.

Open and publicly available data set of audio events from Google:

License: CC BY 4.0

The categories corresponding to an audio signal are returned as a list, starting with those included in the top hierarchy of the AudioSet ontology, followed by those from the second hierarchy and then all other categories in a random order.

The signals to be returned can be limited by excluding or including only certain categories. This is achieved by first including only the desired categories, estimating all its parent categories and then applying the exclusion.

  • transform controls the input transform
  • target_transform controls the target transform
  • files controls the audio files of the data set
  • targets controls the corresponding targets
  • sampling_rate holds the sampling rate of the returned data
  • original_sampling_rate holds the sampling rate of the audio files of the data set
  • root (str, optional) – root directory of dataset. Default: AudioSet.root
  • csv_file (str, optional) – name of a CSV file located in root. Can be one of balanced_train_segments.csv, unbalanced_train_segments.csv, eval_segments.csv. Default: balanced_train_segments.csv
  • include (list of str, optional) – list of categories to include. If None all categories are included. Default: None
  • exclude (list of str, optional) – list of categories to exclude. If None no category is excluded. Default: None
  • transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the signal. Default: None
  • target_transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the target. Default: None

AudioSet ontology categories of the two top hierarchies:

Human sounds            Animal                   Music
|-Human voice           |-Domestic animals, pets |-Musical instrument
|-Whistling             |-Livestock, farm        |-Music genre
|-Respiratory sounds    | animals, working       |-Musical concepts
|-Human locomotion      | animals                |-Music role
|-Digestive             \-Wild animals           \-Music mood
|-Heart sounds,         Sounds of things         Natural sounds
| heartbeat             |-Vehicle                |-Wind
|-Otoacoustic emission  |-Engine                 |-Thunderstorm
\-Human group actions   |-Domestic sounds,       |-Water
                        | home sounds            \-Fire
Source-ambiguous sounds |-Bell
|-Generic impact sounds |-Alarm                  Channel, environment
|-Surface contact       |-Mechanisms             and background
|-Deformable shell      |-Tools                  |-Acoustic environment
|-Onomatopoeia          |-Explosion              |-Noise
|-Silence               |-Wood                   \-Sound reproduction
\-Other sourceless      |-Glass
                        |-Miscellaneous sources
                        \-Specific impact sounds


Some of the recordings in AudioSet were captured with mono and others with stereo input. The user must be careful to handle this, e.g. using a transform to adjust number of channels.


>>> import sounddevice as sd
>>> data = AudioSet(root='/data/AudioSet', include=['Thunderstorm'])
>>> print(data)
Dataset AudioSet
    Number of data points: 73
    Root Location: /data/AudioSet
    Sampling Rate: 16000Hz
    CSV file: balanced_train_segments.csv
    Included categories: ['Thunderstorm']
>>> signal, target = data[4]
>>> target
['Natural sounds', 'Thunderstorm', 'Water', 'Rain', 'Thunder']
>>>, data.sampling_rate)


class audtorch.datasets.LibriSpeech(root, *, sets=None, dataframe=None, transform=None, target_transform=None, download=False)

LibriSpeech speech data set.

Open and publicly available data set of voices from OpenSLR:

License: CC BY 4.0.

LibriSpeech contains several hundred hours of English speech with corresponding transcriptions in capital letters without punctuation.

It is split into different subsets according to WER-level achieved when performing speech recognition on the speakers. The subsets are: train-clean-100, train-clean-360, train-other-500 dev-clean, dev-other, test-clean, test-other

  • root holds the data set’s location
  • transform controls the input transform
  • target_transform controls the target transform
  • files controls the audio files of the data set
  • labels controls the corresponding labels
  • sampling_rate holds the sampling rate of data set

In addition, the following class attributes are available

  • all_sets holds the names of the different pre-defined sets
  • urls holds the download links of the different sets
  • root (str) – root directory of data set
  • sets (str or list, optional) – desired sets of LibriSpeech. Mutually exclusive with dataframe. Default: None
  • dataframe (pandas.DataFrame, optional) – pandas data frame containing columns audio_path (relative to root) and transcription. It can be used to pre-select files based on meta information, e.g. sequence length. Mutually exclusive with sets. Default: None
  • transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the signal. Default: None
  • target_transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the target. Default: None
  • download (bool, optional) – download data set to root directory if not present. Default: False


>>> import sounddevice as sd
>>> data = LibriSpeech(root='/data/LibriSpeech', sets='dev-clean')
>>> print(data)
Dataset LibriSpeech
    Number of data points: 2703
    Root Location: /data/LibriSpeech
    Sampling Rate: 16000Hz
    Sets: dev-clean
>>> signal, label = data[8]
>>> label
>>>, data.sampling_rate)


class audtorch.datasets.MozillaCommonVoice(root, *, csv_file='cv-valid-train.csv', label_type='text', transform=None, target_transform=None, download=False)

Mozilla Common Voice speech data set.

Open and publicly available data set of voices from Mozilla:

License: CC-0 (public domain)

Mozilla Common Voice includes the labels text, up_votes, down_votes, age, gender, accent, duration. You can select one of those labels which is returned as a string by the data set as target or you can specify a list of the labels and the data set will return a dictionary containing those labels. The default label that is returned is text.

  • root holds the data set’s location
  • transform controls the input transform
  • target_transform controls the target transform
  • files controls the audio files of the data set
  • targets controls the corresponding targets
  • sampling_rate holds the sampling rate of the returned data
  • original_sampling_rate holds the sampling rate of the audio files of the data set

In addition, the following class attribute is available

  • url holds the download link of the data set
  • root (str) – root directory of data set, where the CSV files are located, e.g. /data/MozillaCommonVoice/cv_corpus_v1
  • csv_file (str, optional) – name of a CSV file from the root folder. No absolute path is possible. You are most probably interested in cv-valid-train.csv, cv-valid-dev.csv, and cv-valid-test.csv. Default: cv-valid-train.csv.
  • label_type (str or list of str, optional) – one of text, up_votes, down_votes, age, gender, accent, duration. Or a list of any combination of those. Default: text
  • transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the signal. Default: None
  • target_transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the target. Default: None
  • download (bool, optional) – download data set if not present. Default: False


The Mozilla Common Voice data set is constantly growing. If you choose to download it, it will always grep the latest version. If you require reproducibility of your results, make sure to store a safe snapshot of the version you used.


>>> import sounddevice as sd
>>> data = MozillaCommonVoice('/data/MozillaCommonVoice/cv_corpus_v1')
>>> print(data)
Dataset MozillaCommonVoice
    Number of data points: 195776
    Root Location: /data/MozillaCommonVoice/cv_corpus_v1
    Sampling Rate: 48000Hz
    Labels: text
    CSV file: cv-valid-train.csv
>>> signal, target = data[0]
>>> target
'learn to recognize omens and follow them the old king had said'
>>>, data.sampling_rate)


class audtorch.datasets.SpeechCommands(root, train=True, download=False, *, sampling_rate=16000, include='10cmd', transform=None, target_transform=None)

Data set of spoken words designed for keyword spotting tasks.

Speech Commands V2 publicly available from Google:

License: CC BY 4.0

  • root (str) – root directory of data set, where the CSV files are located, e.g. /data/speech_commands_v0.02
  • train (bool, optional) – Partition the dataset into the training set. False returns the test split. Default: False
  • download (bool, optional) – Download the dataset to root if it’s not already available. Default: False
  • include (str, or list of str, optional) – commands to include as ‘recognised’ words. Options: “10cmd”, “full”. A custom dataset can be defined using a list of command words. For example, [“stop”,”go”]. Words that are not in the “include” list are treated as unknown words. Default: ‘10cmd’
  • silence (bool, optional) – include a ‘silence’ class composed of background noise (Note: use randomcrop when training). Default: True
  • transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the signal. Default: None
  • target_transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the target. Default: None


>>> import sounddevice as sd
>>> data = SpeechCommands(root='/data/speech_commands_v0.02')
>>> print(data)
Dataset SpeechCommands
    Number of data points: 97524
    Root Location: /data/speech_commands_v0.02
    Sampling Rate: 16000Hz
>>> signal, target = data[4]
>>> target
>>>, data.sampling_rate)


class audtorch.datasets.VoxCeleb1(root, *, partition='train', transform=None, target_transform=None)

VoxCeleb1 data set.

Open and publicly available data set of voices from University of Oxford:

VoxCeleb1 is a large audio-visual data set consisting of short clips of human speech extracted from YouTube interviews with celebrities. It is free for commercial and research purposes.

Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0

  • transform controls the input transform
  • target_transform controls the target transform
  • files controls the audio files of the data set
  • targets controls the corresponding targets
  • sampling_rate holds the sampling rate of data set

In addition, the following class attributes are available:

  • url holds its URL
  • root (str) – root directory of dataset
  • partition (str, optional) – name of the data partition to use. Choose one of train, dev, test or None. If None is given, then the whole data set will be returned. Default: train
  • transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the signal. Default: None
  • target_transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the target. Default: None


  • This data set will work only if the identification file is downloaded as is from the official homepage. Please open it in your browser and copy paste its contents in a file in your computer.
  • To download the data set go to and fill in the form to request a password. Get the Audio Files that the owners provide.
  • When using the VoxCeleb1 data set in your research, please cite the following publication: [nagrani2017voxceleb].


>>> import sounddevice as sd
>>> data = VoxCeleb1('/data/voxceleb1')
>>> print(data)
Dataset VoxCeleb1
    Number of data points: 138361
    Root Location: /data/voxceleb1
    Sampling Rate: 16000Hz
    Labels: speaker ID
>>> signal, target = data[0]
>>> target
>>>, data.sampling_rate)


class audtorch.datasets.WhiteNoise(*, duration=1, sampling_rate=44100, mean=0, stdev=1, transform=None, target_transform=None)

White noise data set.

The white noise is generated by numpy.random.standard_normal.

  • duration controls the duration of the noise signal
  • sampling_rate holds the sampling rate of the returned data
  • mean controls the mean of the underlying distribution
  • stdev controls the standard deviation of the underlying distribution
  • transform controls the input transform
  • target_transform controls the target transform

As white noise has not really a sampling rate you can use the following attribute to change it instead of resampling:

  • original_sampling_rate controls the sampling rate of the data set
  • duration (float) – duration of the noise signal in seconds
  • sampling_rate (int, optional) – sampling rate in Hz. Default: 44100
  • mean (float, optional) – mean of underlying distribution. Default: 0
  • stdev (float, optional) – standard deviation of underlying distribution. Default: 1
  • transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the signal. Default: None
  • target_transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the target. Default: None


Even WhiteNoise has an infintely number of entries, its length is 1 as repeated calls of the same index return different signals.


>>> import sounddevice as sd
>>> data = WhiteNoise(duration=1, sampling_rate=44100)
>>> print(data)
Dataset WhiteNoise
    Number of data points: Inf
    Signal length: 1s
    Sampling Rate: 44100Hz
    Label (str): noise type
>>> signal, target = data[0]
>>> target
'white noise'
>>>, data.sampling_rate)


This section contains a mix of generic data sets that are useful for a wide variety of cases and can be used as base classes for other data sets.


class audtorch.datasets.AudioDataset(root, files, targets, sampling_rate, *, transform=None, target_transform=None)

Basic audio signal data set.

This data set can be used if you have a list of files and a list of corresponding targets.

In addition, this class is a great starting point to inherit from if you wish to build your own data set.

  • transform controls the input transform
  • target_transform controls the target transform
  • files controls the audio files of the data set
  • targets controls the corresponding targets
  • sampling_rate holds the sampling rate of the returned data
  • original_sampling_rate holds the sampling rate of the audio files of the data set
  • root (str) – root directory of dataset.
  • files (list) – list of files
  • targets (list) – list of targets
  • sampling_rate (int) – sampling rate in Hz of the data set
  • transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the signal. Default: None
  • target_transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the target. Default: None


>>> data = AudioDataset(root='/data',
...                     files=['speech.wav', 'noise.wav'],
...                     targets=['speech', 'noise'],
...                     sampling_rate=8000)
>>> print(data)
Dataset AudioDataset
    Number of data points: 2
    Root Location: /data
    Sampling Rate: 8000Hz
>>> signal, target = data[0]
>>> target

Set the extra representation of the data set.

To print customized extra information, you should reimplement this method in your own data set. Both single-line and multi-line strings are acceptable.

The extra information will be shown after the sampling rate entry.


class audtorch.datasets.PandasDataset(root, df, sampling_rate, *, column_labels='label', column_filename='filename', transform=None, target_transform=None)

Data set from pandas.DataFrame.

Create a data set by accessing the file locations and corresponding labels through a pandas.DataFrame.

You have to specify which labels of the data set you want as target by the names of the corresponding columns in the data frame. If you want to select one of those columns the label is returned directly in its corresponding data type or you can specify a list of columns and the data set will return a dictionary containing the labels.

The filenames of the corresponding audio files have to be specified with relative path from root in the data frame in a column with the name col_filename which defaults to filename.

  • transform controls the input transform
  • target_transform controls the target transform
  • files controls the audio files of the data set
  • targets controls the corresponding targets
  • sampling_rate holds the sampling rate of the returned data
  • original_sampling_rate holds the sampling rate of the audio files of the data set
  • column_labels holds the name of the label columns
  • root (str) – root directory of data set
  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – data frame with filenames and labels. Relative from root
  • sampling_rate (int) – sampling rate in Hz of the data set
  • column_labels (str or list of str, optional) – name of data frame column(s) containing the desired labels. Default: label
  • column_filename (str, optional) – name of column holding the file names. Default: filename
  • transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the signal. Default: None
  • target_transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the target. Default: None


>>> data = PandasDataset(root='/data',
...                      df=dataset_dataframe,
...                      sampling_rate=44100,
...                      column_labels='age')
>>> print(data)
Dataset AudioDataset
    Number of data points: 120
    Root Location: /data
    Sampling Rate: 44100Hz
    Label: age
>>> signal, target = data[0]
>>> target


class audtorch.datasets.CsvDataset(root, csv_file, sampling_rate, *, sep=', ', column_labels='label', column_filename='filename', transform=None, target_transform=None)

Data set from CSV files.

Create a data set by reading the file locations and corresponding labels from a CSV file.

You have to specify which labels you want as the target of the data set by the names of the corresponding columns in the CSV file. If you want to select one of those columns the target is returned directly in its corresponding data type or you can specify a list of columns and the data set will return a dictionary containing the targets.

The filenames of the corresponding audio files have to be specified with relative path from root in the CSV file in a column with the name col_filename which defaults to filename.

  • transform controls the input transform
  • target_transform controls the target transform
  • files controls the audio files of the data set
  • targets controls the corresponding targets
  • sampling_rate holds the sampling rate of the returned data
  • original_sampling_rate holds the sampling rate of the audio files of the data set
  • csv_file holds the path to the used CSV file
  • root (str) – root directory of data set
  • csv_file (str) – CSV file with filenames and labels. Relative from root
  • sampling_rate (int) – sampling rate in Hz of the data set
  • column_labels (str or list of str, optional) – name of CSV column(s) containing the desired labels. Default: label
  • column_filename (str, optional) – name of CSV column holding the file names. Default: filename
  • sep (str, optional) – CSV delimiter. Default: ,
  • transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the signal. Default: None
  • target_transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the target. Default: None


>>> data = CsvDataset(root='/data',
...                   csv_file='train.csv',
...                   sampling_rate=44100,
...                   column_labels='age')
>>> print(data)
Dataset AudioDataset
    Number of data points: 120
    Root Location: /data
    Sampling Rate: 44100Hz
    Label: age
    CSV file: train.csv
>>> signal, target = data[0]
>>> target


class audtorch.datasets.AudioConcatDataset(datasets)

Concatenation data set of multiple audio data sets.

This data set checks that all audio data sets are compatible with respect to the sampling rate which they are processed with.

  • sampling_rate holds the consistent sampling rate of the concatenated data set
  • datasets holds a list of all audio data sets
  • cumulative_sizes holds a list of sizes accumulated over all audio data sets, i.e. [len(data1), len(data1) + len(data2), …]
Parameters:datasets (list of audtorch.AudioDataset) – Audio data sets with property sampling_rate.


>>> import sounddevice as sd
>>> from audtorch.datasets import LibriSpeech
>>> dev_clean = LibriSpeech(root='/data/LibriSpeech', sets='dev-clean')
>>> dev_other = LibriSpeech(root='/data/LibriSpeech', sets='dev-other')
>>> data = AudioConcatDataset([dev_clean, dev_other])
>>> print(data)
Data set AudioConcatDataset
Number of data points: 5567
Sampling Rate: 16000Hz
data sets      data points  extra
-----------  -------------  ---------------
LibriSpeech           2703  Sets: dev-clean
LibriSpeech           2864  Sets: dev-other
>>> signal, label = data[8]
>>> label
>>>, data.sampling_rate)

Set the extra representation of the data set.

To print customized extra information, you should reimplement this method in your own data set. Both single-line and multi-line strings are acceptable.

The extra information will be shown after the sampling rate entry.


This section contains data sets that are primarily used for mixing different data sets.


class audtorch.datasets.SpeechNoiseMix(speech_dataset, mix_transform, *, transform=None, target_transform=None, joint_transform=None, percentage_silence=0)

Mix speech and noise with speech as target.

Add noise to each speech sample from the provided data by a mix transform. Return the mix as input and the speech signal as corresponding target. In addition, allow to replace randomly some of the mixes by noise as input and silence as output. This helps to train a speech enhancement algorithm to deal with background noise only as input signal [Rethage2018].

  • speech_dataset controls the speech data set
  • mix_transform controls the transform that adds noise
  • transform controls the transform applied on the mix
  • target_transform controls the transform applied on the target clean speech
  • joint_transform controls the transform applied jointly on the mixture an the target clean speech
  • percentage_silence controls the amount of noise-silent data augmentation
  • speech_dataset (Dataset) – speech data set
  • mix_transform (callable) – function/transform that can augment a signal with noise
  • transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the speech-noise-mixture (input) only. Default; None
  • target_transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the speech (target) only. Default: None
  • joint_transform (callable, optional) – function/transform applied on the mixtue (input) and speech (target) simultaneously. If the transform includes randomization it is applied with the same random parameter during both calls
  • percentage_silence (float, optional) – value between 0 and 1, which controls the percentage of randomly inserted noise input, silent target pairs. Default: 0


>>> import sounddevice as sd
>>> from audtorch import datasets, transforms
>>> noise = datasets.WhiteNoise(duration=10, sampling_rate=48000)
>>> mix = transforms.RandomAdditiveMix(noise)
>>> normalize = transforms.Normalize()
>>> speech = datasets.MozillaCommonVoice(root='/data/MozillaCommonVoice/cv_corpus_v1')
>>> data = SpeechNoiseMix(speech, mix, transform=normalize)
>>> noisy, clean = data[0]
>>>, data.sampling_rate)


Utility functions for handling audio data sets.


audtorch.datasets.load(filename, *, duration=None, offset=0)

Load audio file.

If an error occurrs during loading as the file could not be found, is empty, or has the wrong format an empty signal is returned and a warning shown.

  • file (str or int or file-like object) – file name of input audio file
  • duration (float, optional) – return only a specified duration in seconds. Default: None
  • offset (float, optional) – start reading at offset in seconds. Default: 0

  • numpy.ndarray: two-dimensional array with shape (channels, samples)
  • int: sample rate of the audio file

Return type:



>>> signal, sampling_rate = load('speech.wav')


audtorch.datasets.download_url(url, root, *, filename=None, md5=None)

Download a file from an url to a specified directory.

  • url (str) – URL to download file from
  • root (str) – directory to place downloaded file in
  • filename (str, optional) – name to save the file under. If None, use basename of URL. Default: None
  • md5 (str, optional) – MD5 checksum of the download. If None, do not check. Default: None

path to downloaded file

Return type:



audtorch.datasets.download_url_list(urls, root, *, num_workers=0)

Download files from a list of URLs to a specified directory.

  • urls (list of str or dict) – either list of URLs or dictionary with URLs as keys and with either filenames or tuples of filename and MD5 checksum as values. Uses basename of URL if filename is None. Performs no check if MD5 checksum is None
  • root (str) – directory to place downloaded files in
  • num_workers (int, optional) – number of worker threads (0 = len(urls)). Default: 0


audtorch.datasets.extract_archive(filename, *, out_path=None, remove_finished=False)

Extract archive.

Currently tar.gz and tar archives are supported.

  • filename (str) – path to archive
  • out_path (str, optional) – extract archive in this folder. Default: folder where archive is located in
  • remove_finished (bool, optional) – if True remove archive after extraction. Default: False



Sampling rate of data set after all transforms are applied.

A change of sampling rate by a transform is only recognized, if that transform has the attribute output_sampling_rate.

Parameters:dataset ( – data set with sampling_rate attribute or property
Returns:sampling rate in Hz after all transforms are applied
Return type:int


>>> from audtorch import datasets, transforms
>>> t = transforms.Resample(input_sampling_rate=16000,
...                         output_sampling_rate=8000)
>>> data = datasets.WhiteNoise(sampling_rate=16000, transform=t)
>>> sampling_rate_after_transform(data)



Raise error if provided data set differ in sampling rate.

All data sets that are checked need to have a sampling_rate attribute or property.

Parameters:datasets (list of – list of at least two audio data sets.


audtorch.datasets.ensure_df_columns_contain(df, labels)

Raise error if list of labels are not in dataframe columns.

  • df (pandas.dataframe) – data frame
  • labels (list of str) – labels to be expected in df.columns


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=[(1, 2)], columns=['a', 'b'])
>>> ensure_df_columns_contain(df, ['a', 'c'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Dataframe contains only these columns: 'a, b'


audtorch.datasets.ensure_df_not_empty(df, labels=None)

Raise error if dataframe is empty.

  • df (pandas.dataframe) – data frame
  • labels (list of str, optional) – list of labels used to shrink data set. Default: None


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame()
>>> ensure_df_not_empty(df)
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: No valid data points found in data set


audtorch.datasets.files_and_labels_from_df(df, *, root='.', column_labels='label', column_filename='filename')

Extract list of files and labels from dataframe columns.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – data frame with filenames and labels. Relative from root
  • root (str, optional) – root directory of data set. Default: .
  • column_labels (str or list of str, optional) – name of data frame column(s) containing the desired labels. Default: label
  • column_filename (str, optional) – name of column holding the file names. Default: filename

  • list of str: list of files
  • list of str or list of dicts: list of labels

Return type:



>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data=[('speech.wav', 'speech')],
...                   columns=['filename', 'label'])
>>> files, labels = files_and_labels_from_df(df)
>>> os.path.relpath(files[0]), labels[0]
('speech.wav', 'speech')


audtorch.datasets.defined_split(dataset, split_func)

Split data set into desired non-overlapping subsets.

  • dataset ( – data set to be split
  • split_func (func) – function mapping from data set index to subset id, \(f(\text{index}) = \text{subset\_id}\). The target domain of subset ids does not need to cover the complete range [0, 1, …, (num_subsets - 1)]

desired subsets according to split_func

Return type:

(list of Subsets)


>>> import torch
>>> from import TensorDataset
>>> from audtorch.samplers import buckets_of_even_size
>>> data = TensorDataset(torch.randn(100))
>>> lengths = np.random.randint(0, 1000, (100,))
>>> split_func = buckets_of_even_size(lengths, 5)
>>> subsets = defined_split(data, split_func)
>>> [len(subset) for subset in subsets]
[20, 20, 20, 20, 20]